student feedback

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Recently, I finished a book called Midcourse Correction for the College Classroom: Putting Small Group Instructional Diagnosis to Work (Hurney et al. 2021). It’s about a program on college campuses in which faculty members invite a colleague to come to their class at the mid-semester point to find out how ...

Feedback Tips

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NOTE: Use the playlist button located in the top left of the video window above to switch between episodes.

Quick Teaching Tip: Feedback (3:29)
Low-key advice on moving away from the typical “feedback sandwich” (compliment, criticism, compliment) towards “reinforcing” and “correcting” behaviors through “ask, tell, ask” technique.

Characteristics of Good Student Feedback (4:38)
Offers strategies for offering students “specific, actionable, timely, and respectful” feedback that improves learning.

The Power of Feedback (3:26)
Video outlines an article by John Hattie and Helen Timperley on levels and types of effective feedback.

Bill Gates: Teachers Need Real Feedback (10:21)
A TED talk by Bill Gates on how to create feedback for teachers that helps them improve. He argues for feedback grounded in self-video observations and student surveys of teachers that capture complexity of life in the classroom.


NOTE: Use the playlist button located in the top left of the video window above to switch between episodes.

Tips for International TAs (2:20)
This video is intended for non-native English speakers TAing in English-speaking environments. Key tips: talk with your peers and professors, practice your English, solicit advice from your students.

Establishing Expectations for Your Class (4:46)
Stresses the importance of setting policies and communicating them to students clearly at the beginning of a course to help them succeed. Offers key questions to consider when establishing policies around attendance and participation, classroom behavior, late work. Recommends including these in syllabus and presenting them in class.

Motivating Students to Succeed (3:14)
Presenter offers ways to motivate students to succeed: be passionate about your subject, be clear about “how to succeed” (e.g., through syllabus, rubrics), be connected with student  interests, and be aware of what they want out of the class.

Academic Integrity (2:42)
A sympathetic approach to teaching students what “Academic Integrity” is and the consequences of violating it. A few comments on how to recognize plagiarism and how to respond.

Mid-semester Teaching Evaluations (4:12)
Discusses why you should administer your own mid-semester evaluations, what you might include, and how to use the feedback students provide.

Being Enthusiastic  about Your Class (2:32)
Explores why being enthusiastic while teaching is important and offers simple strategies for expressing engagement and interest in your students.

Maintaining Student Engagement  Using Eye Contact & ‘Scanning’  (1:44)
Details why and how to use eye contact to enhance learning. Seriously? We have to tell people this? Repetitive of “Being Enthusiastic” video.

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