Dan Ulrich

About Dan Ulrich

Dan’s love for the Bible began early while growing up in a family and church that emphasized Jesus’ call to love neighbors and seek peace. Intercultural experiences, including a year of undergraduate study in Barcelona, Spain, helped broaden and deepen his awareness of the varied ways God’s Spirit can speak through scripture. Ordained in the Church of the Brethren in 1985, Dan pastored a congregation for six years before completing a doctorate in biblical studies at Union Theological Seminary in Virginia (now Union Presbyterian Seminary). He began teaching at Bethany in 1996, served as Associate Dean and Director of Distributed Education in 2002-06, and is currently Wieand Professor of New Testament Studies. His concern for excellent online teaching and learning led to a professional development certificate in distance education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2003) and ten years of service as a faculty peer consultant with the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion (2007-17). Along with expertise in distance education, fluency in Spanish is a gift that enhances his current work on intercultural interpretation of New Testament texts.

Reader Interactions


  1. Thanks for this awesome article on Building Empathy and Understanding. I found it really helpful information on it. Keep it up, Dan Ulrich. All the best for your future.

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