Grants Specific to Participation in Particular Workshops
Early Career Workshop Fellowship Grants

Workshop participants submit proposals at the end of the second summer of their Early Career Workshop, for teaching projects to be completed over the coming academic year.
2020-21 Summer Workshop Fellowship Grant
2021-22 Digital Workshop Fellowship Grant
2022 Hybrid Workshop Fellowship Grant
Grant funds can be spent on items and activities such as:
The Wabash Center encourages collegial gatherings, extended conversations, and collaborations on topics, learning activities and experiences which strengthen teaching and enhance the teaching life. For these thematic gatherings, funds might be used for:
- Childcare, elder care, house sitting to support attendance to group gatherings
- Meals or groceries for gatherings
- Travel, meals, lodging (retreat center, hotel, conference center, rented house)
- Stipends (meager) for participation in the group
- Equipment, supplies, materials to support group meeting and discussions
- Honorariums for guest resource persons with group
- Entrance fees or tickets for cultural events, museums, concerts, etc.
- Germane services (e.g. coaching, gym memberships, spa, spiritual direction, workshop registrations, etc.)
Activities and items NOT Funded:
The Wabash Center generally does not fund:
- Research
- International travel
- Travel for attendance to disciplinary conferences
- The preparation of textbooks
- Research focused primarily on field content and only secondarily on teaching
- Publication of conference papers or books, or production costs of other media
- Stipends for writing the grant proposal or making application for the grant
- Home utilities should group convene online
- Items designated as gifts, presents, offerings or donations
- Travel, meals, lodging expenses should family or friends accompany participant on an extended conversation