Syllabi - Topic: Canada - 4 results
Select an item by clicking its checkboxA 1998 course by Jordan Paper at York University is a "study of non-Western religions, analyzing primal cultures and early civilizations using Amerindian examples, considering traditional (Ojibwa to Inca) and contemporary (American Indian Movement, Peyote Religion) phenomena and their interrelationships with Western religion. Canadian examples will predominate."
A 2013 course by Paul Burford at Tyndale Seminary "designed to educate students regarding the evolution and relevance of faith perspectives specific to Canadian film and filmmakers."
A 2013 course by Gordon Jensen at Saskatoon Theological Union "explores how the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada . . . and its predecessor bodies have tried to be both confessionally Lutheran and Ecumenical."
A 1998 course by Amir Hussain at California State University-Northridge examines "some of the relationships between 'Islam' and 'the Modern World'" with special attention to major reformers, Feminism, radicalism, and Islam in the U.S. and Canada.