Syllabi - 44 results
Select an item by clicking its checkboxA course by Mark Teasdale at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary on "the theological and practical considerations of conceptualizing evangelism and integrating evangelism into various aspects of congregational life."
A 2016 course by Rob Weber at Phillips Theological Seminary considers "the nature and task of evangelism (especially in the Wesleyan tradition), and to develop a personal understanding of the ways in which evangelism is at the heart of the mission of the Church."
A 2012 course by Frances Adeney at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary assesses "the contemporary situation for Christian evangelism and mission in the United States" with special attention to cultural contexts.
A 2009 course by Michael Andres at Northwestern College is "an examination of Christian witness as verbal proclamation (evangelism), reasoned defense (apologetics), and as social action (justice)."
A 2014 course by Barry Bryant at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary surveys "the theological, historical, and denominational structure of the United Methodist Church from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. Attention to themes such as the ecumenical movement, world missions, evangelism, and social justice will also be given."