The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching
Online. Open Access. Peer-Reviewed. Quarterly.
Edited by the Wabash Center. Hosted by Atla.
Teaching Theology & Religion
For 22 years (beginning in 1997) the Wabash Center published TTR through Wiley Blackwell.
The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching
January 2020 Inaugural Issue (available in November 2019)
Sustaining our leadership in publishing the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) in the fields of theological and religious studies.
The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching
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Browse and search for articles published in both Wabash journals
Teaching Theology & Religion (1997-2019)
The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching (2020 – )
Browse Topics
Preparing Ministers
Colleagues and Career
Teaching Tactics

One Page Learning Designs
Scroll through the full list of more than 100 Teaching Tactics published so far. One-page descriptions of a successful teaching strategy. Sort by date, author, or title.
Some Featured Topics
- Teaching Bible
- Teaching “World Religions”
- Special Section on Study Abroad
- Special Section on Signature Pedagogies of Religious Studies, in Comparative Perspective
- Special Issue on Hospitality in Service of Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- Special Issue on Addressing Sexuality in the Classroom
- Special Issue on Games and Learning
- Appendices Not Published With Earlier Articles