
Past Gatherings

Since 1996 the Wabash Center has been hosting teaching workshops, colloquies, and conferences for faculty teaching religion and theology in the United States and Canada.

Click on the each of the boxes to the right to see links to all our past workshops, colloquies, and gatherings in each category. Individual participants are listed on the workshop’s page. Search for participants using the search box located in the page banner above.

Early Career Workshops for faculty in either theological education or undergraduate education.

Colloquies for faculty at mid-career and for occasional special topics.

Workshops and colloquies focused on diversity in higher education or designed specifically for minoritized faculty groups are listed in Racial/Ethnic Diversity Teaching Workshops and Colloquies.

Conferences are generally larger gatherings for shorter periods of time, and participation is usually by invitation not application.

Other Workshops

Wabash Center