Workshop for Early Career Theological School Faculty
Do you wonder about teaching and the teaching life in theological education? In what ways would a yearlong conversation about teaching and learning ground your vocational identity? This workshop is a collaborative peer opportunity to develop pedagogical skills, reflect on teaching identity, learn in community, and navigate institutional dynamics.
The workshop will gather 14 faculty members for a week in two successive summers at Wabash College, and a weekend winter retreat in Corpus Christi, Texas. There will be a balance of plenary sessions, small group discussions, workshop sessions, structured and unstructured social time, and time for relaxation, exercise, meditation, discovery, laughter, and lots of good food and drink.
- First session:
July 15-20, 2019, Wabash College - Second session:
January 23-26, 2020, Corpus Christi, Texas - Third session:
June 8-13, 2020, Online
Leadership Team
- Joretta Marshall (Director)
Brite Divinity School - Carlos Cardoza-Orlandi
Baylor University - Stephanie Crumpton
McCormick Theological Seminary - G. Brooke Lester
Garrett-Evangelical Theological School - Paul Myhre
Wabash Center
Workshop Goals
- Explore and develop holistic dimensions of the teaching life
- Imagine and discern contours of agency in a teaching identity
- Identify and strategically navigate transitions in the vocation of a full-time scholar and teacher
- Become aware of the power of embodiment in teaching
- Develop a stronger self-reflexive practice
- 2-5 years of teaching in a tenure-track, contingency, or continuing position,
- Teaching in an accredited seminary or theological school in the United States, Puerto Rico, or Canada
- Doctoral degree completed by January 1, 2019
- Tenure decision (if applicable) no earlier than Spring 2020
- Institutional support to participate fully in sessions and to complete teaching fellowship project in following year.
Honorarium and Fellowship
Participants will receive an honorarium of $3,500 for full participation in the three workshop sessions, plus local expenses and travel. In addition, participants are eligible to apply for a $5,000 workshop fellowship for work on a teaching project during the following academic year (2020-21).
Front Row: *G. Brooke Lester (Garrett-Evangelical Theological School), Melva Sampson (Wake Forest University Divinity School), *Joretta Marshall (Brite Divinity School), Richard Voelz (Union Presbyterian Seminary), Maureen Day (Franciscan School of Theology).
Middle Row: Sarah Wolf (Jewish Theological Seminary of America), Elaine Nogueira-Godsey (Methodist Theological School in Ohio), Lisa Cleath (Portland Seminary), Melody Maxwell (Acadia Divinity College), Barbara Fears (Howard University), *Stephanie Crumpton (McCormick Theological Seminary), Melanie Dobson (Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary), Khalia Williams (Candler School of Theology – Emory University), *Paul Myhre (Wabash Center).
Back Row: *Carlos Cardoza-Orlandi (Baylor University), James Estes (Wesley Theological Seminary), Rebecca Copeland (Boston University School of Theology), Annie Lockhart-Gilroy (Phillips Theological Seminary), Ben Sanders (Eden Theological Seminary).
- Lisa Cleath – “Embodied Collaborative Approaches to Critical Race Consciousness and the Bible”
- Rebecca Copeland – “Flipping the Classroom to Increase Student Engagement in the Large-Enrollment Survey ‘Introduction to Christian Traditions'”
- Maureen Day – “Integrating Teaching and Research to Foster Student Engagement: A Case in Ethics and Sociology”
- Melanie Dobson – “Dynamic Lecturing in a Flipped Classroom during a Pandemic”
- James Estes – “Teaching Church History: Meaning-Centered Pedagogy and Theological Education”
- Barbara Fears – “Problem-Posing Pedagogy for Enhancing Integrative Competence & Written Communication”
- Annie Lockhart-Gilroy – “Using Ubuntu as a Pedagogical Paradigm in Online Asynchronous Classes”
- Elaine Nogueira-Godsey – “Greening Introduction to Theology”
- Ben Sanders – “From Talk to Action: Enhancing Antiracist Teaching and Learning Through Transformative Learning Objectives”
- Richard Voelz – “Poetic Justice/Justice Poetics: Teaching Students How to Use Just and Inclusive Language in Preaching and Worship”
- Khalia Williams – “Inhale … Exhale: Developing a Breath-Centered Pedagogy”
- Sarah Wolf – “A Compelling Introduction to Rabbinic Literature for Educators in Training”
Application Period Closed

For More Information, Please Contact:
Paul Myhre, Associate Director
Wabash Center
301 West Wabash Ave.
Crawfordsville, IN 47933