2006 Educating Clergy

2006 Educating Clergy Conferences

In the winter and spring of 2006, the Wabash Center sponsored a series of six conferences. At each conference, 3 representatives from 20 different theological schools gathered to discuss the implications of recent research findings from two important new studies:

Signs of the Times: Present and Future Theological Faculty
by Barbara G. Wheeler, Sharon L. Miller, and Katarina Schuth
Center for the Study of Theological Education at Auburn Theological Seminary

Educating Clergy: Teaching Practices and Pastoral Imagination
by Charles R. Foster, Lisa Dahill, Larry Golemon, Barbara Wang Tolentino
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

The purpose of the conferences was two-fold:

• To review findings and explore implications from the two studies
• To develop strategies for strengthening educational programs and faculty teaching practices

The conference developed strategies to strengthening educational programs and faculty teaching practices in the education of clergy, rabbis, and other ministry professionals.

Leadership for each conference was provided by the directors of the two studies:

• Barbara Wheeler and Sharon Miller, Center for the Study of Theological Education, Auburn Theological Seminary

• Charles Foster, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

Each participating school was eligible for a follow-up grant of $2000 to share and apply learnings from the Auburn and Carnegie research projects on their own campuses in ways that would enhance the preparation of clergy.

Wabash Center