AAR & SBL 2024

2024 Sessions

Contingent Faculty Roundtable

Institutions of higher education across the nation are increasing the hire of full-time contingency colleagues. The presence of contingent faculty in institutions has been enriching the curriculum in some contexts while disrupting the curriculum in other contexts. This conversation is a gathering to discuss the multilayered experience of being a full-time contingent person in theological education. Participants are invited to connect with other full-time contingency colleagues for conversations concerning the teaching life. Central to the conversation will be an exploration of identity formation, scholarship development, and improving the teaching life. This preconference roundtable will include small groups and plenary discussions as well as shared meals. Click HERE for more information. You may register HERE


Friday, November 22, 2024 8:00am – 3:30pm


Marriot Marquis


Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Iliff School of Theology
Roger Nam, Candler School of Theology
Allison Norton, Hartford International University
Katherine Turpin, Iliff School of Theology


Mark Hearn, Church Divinity School of the Pacific
Boyoung Lee, Iliff School of Theology

BIPOC Faculty Luncheon

This mealtime gathering, for those who identify as BIPOC faculty, is a place for fellowship, connection, and mutual support. Hear about Wabash Center grants specifically allocated for BIPOC peer mentoring. The mealtime conversation will explore self-care and wellness as a fundamental component of the teaching life.  Being healthy, getting healthy, staying health, is an essential aspect needed to successfully navigate the classroom, your institution, and academic career. Gather with a network that cares about life-affirming teaching and faculty formation. Register HERE.

Date & Time

Saturday, November 23, 2024 11:30am – 1:30pm


Marriot Marquis

Wabash Center Creative Writing Session

For those hoping to broaden to reach and creativity of their scholarship, this session will be an opportunity to learn more about creative writing as a scholarly genre and practice! Join us as we share approaches, techniques, and generative writing exercises. This will be an interactive gathering intended to widen academic settings. 

Date & Time

Saturday, November 23, 2024 3:00pm – 4:30pm


Marriot Marquis


Donald Quist, Wabash Center

Wabash Center Reception

Come join us for drinks, tapas, DJ, music, and dessert as we honor our work with faculty in religious studies departments and theological schools. Gather as past, present, and future participants from Wabash Center workshops, colloquies, consultations, and grants. Enjoy fellowshipping one with another. Network and have fun!


Saturday, November 23, 2024 8:00pm – 10:00pm


Marriot Marquis

Wabash Center – Teaching in Death-dealing Contexts: Prison as a Place of Liberative Education

What does it mean to teach theology and religion in death-dealing, dehumanizing contexts – i.e. prison? Reflecting upon years of experiences with teaching in carceral spaces, the panelists will explore the ways that a particular context helps reimagine the purpose of education and the role of teachers and learners. Given hooks and Freire’s imaginative stance that teaching must be transgressive, what does it take to bring emancipatory education to people who are in the correction system?  This panel will engage the recently released books of Sarah F. Farmer’s Restorative Hope: Creating Space for Connection in Women’s Prisons and Rachelle Green’s Learning to Live: Prison, Pedagogy, and Theological Education discussing the ways teaching in prison raises new questions for educators of theology and religion. Theological education, and those practicing liberative pedagogy, must be willing grapple with these 21st century questions. 


Saturday, November 23, 2024 4:00pm – 5:30pm


Marriot Marquis

Wabash Center New Teacher Dinner & Honored Guest

By invitation only, new teachers, those faculty in the first three years of full-time teaching, will gather for a special dinner. There will be time for networking, being introduced to honored guests, interactive games, and directed conversations. 

If you know who should be invited, or if you are in your first three years of full-time teaching, please send us a name and email address. Include the academic discipline, institution, and the number of years teaching full-time. 

Send nominations by September 20 to
Sarah F. Farmer
Associate Director


Sunday, November 24, 2024 6:30pm – 8:00pm


Marriot Marquis

Click here to register for the AAR & SBL 2024 Annual Meetings

Questions about the Wabash Center’s activities at AAR & SBL may be directed to

Dr. Sarah Farmer
Associate Director

Wabash Center