Doctoral Student Luncheon

AAR & SBL Session

Teach with Confidence: Self-Disclosure in the Classroom

Doctoral Student Luncheon
Saturday, November 23 – 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Convention Center-22 (Upper Level East)

Join experienced faculty leaders for lunch and conversation concerning self-disclosure in the classroom by students, by teachers. What is to be gained? What is risked? What might we consider as we discern appropriate levels and types of self-disclosure? We will begin with a buffet lunch at 11:30am and conclude at 1:00pm.

Space is limited to 50 participants.
Pre-registration is required.
Send an email to Beth Reffett,

Brian K. Bantum, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Panelist
Katherine Turpin, Iliff School of Theology, Panelist

Wabash Center