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Revising the Core: Religious Studies 101-102 in the Rhodes College Curriculum

Awarded Grant
McNary-Zak, Bernadette
Rhodes College
Undergraduate School
Topics: Relating Pedagogy and Curriculum

Proposal abstract :
How might we redesign the Religious Studies 101-102 sequence, which centers on the study of the biblical texts and interpretations, so that our first-year students learn to grapple more explicitly with contemporary questions of meaning and value? In order to create a teaching and learning environment that is better aligned with our institutional mission, the Department of Religious Studies at Rhodes College will evaluate the current course content and pedagogical issues in this sequence; learn more about how this sequence intersects with other areas of the college curriculum; articulate a set of expectations, standards, and learning goals for a revised model for Religious Studies 101-102; and develop courses for a revised Religious Studies 101-102 sequence.

Learning Abstract :
Our department undertook curricular revision to improve teaching and learning in our Religious Studies 101-102 courses, one of two first-year sequences required for incoming students at our institution. Over the course of the grant period, we engaged in a process of critical reflection about how we teach these courses; we learned more about how these courses might intersect with other areas of the college curriculum; we articulated a set of expectations, standards, and learning goals for a revised course sequence; and we developed courses for a revised sequence. These courses are foundational and central to the strength of our liberal arts curriculum. They are relevant sites for engaging issues of identity and difference, inclusivity and diversity. Our revised Religious Studies 101-102 sequence seeks to better serve our curriculum, pedagogical aims, and institutional mission.
Wabash Center