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Embodied Pedagogy for Practical Theologians: The APT 2018 Biennial Pre-Conference Workshop

Awarded Grant
Parker, Evelyn|Falcone, John
Yale Divinity School
Theological School

Proposal abstract :
An eight-hour workshop for practical theologians who want to learn “Theatre of the Oppressed” (TO): embodied teaching techniques for critical thinking and social transformation. Established TO trainers will work with 15-20 academics and 15-20 graduate students over two days. After this workshop, participants will be able to do two things. (1) Lead students, parishioners, or future workshop participants in at least two basic types of embodied reflection: (a) “games” which promote creativity and attention to embodied knowledge, and which lead directly into analysis of repressive / transformative social dynamics, and (b) “image exercises,” in which groups explore a text or a social situation by creating and analyzing a tableau-vivant. (2) Articulate the rudiments of a theological pedagogy which expressly incorporates embodied reflection, embodied learning, and the arts. A 6-month follow-up check-in will lead to submission of a TTR Teaching Note in early 2019.
Wabash Center