Theological School Deans

Wabash Center Blog Series for Theological School Deans

Posts from 2012 to 2018

Theological school deans hold a unique and challenging position in the field of higher education. The work of the administrative scholar who leads from the center is incredibly complex. Few who have not held the position can appreciate fully the scope of that complexity. The press of the myriad of immediate demands leaves little room for the critical reflection that is crucial to thriving in the work.

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I’ve been observing several leaders in the process of making decisions. Some pertain to leaders making organizational or institutional decisions (dealing with employees, closing a program, dealing with a crisis). In only a few of those instances have I observed persons making quick and decisive choices from several options ...

I agree with Stephen Graham’s assertion that “Right now, theological schools need leaders, not just managers.”(1). He wrote, “Theological schools need leaders who are willing to name the changes that have taken place, anticipate the changes to come, and lead their schools into the path that will enable them ...

Albert Einstein said, "Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even inapable of forming such opinions." Every organization does well to avoid the trap of shaping its perception of reality based on self-referencing. By self-referencing I ...

At a recent consultation with a school I once again encountered the dilemma faced by school leaders who lack a background in the field of education. This school has been in existence for ten years, well past the “make it or break it” point for a private school. They were ...

Bringing about organizational change isn’t rocket science, but it’s not easy either. Those deans who step into a leadership position that requires engaging in institutional and organizational development, in effect and by default, will need to bring about changes on several levels: administrative, cultural, organizational, relational, and in ...

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