Archives for 2015

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Teach students where they are!  This forthright adage is deceptively difficult.  The question becomes – where are they in proximity to my own location? In other words, what does it mean for the effectiveness of my teaching if the cost of locating my students is heart wrenching? I am invested in ...

We invite you to engage and follow the new round of Wabash Center’s "Stories from the Front (of the Classroom)” blog series. New entries will be posted every Tuesday from January 19 to September 20, 2016. Nancy Lynne Westfield (Drew Theological School), Claudio Carvalhaes (McCormick Theological Seminary), and Tat-Siong Benny Liew (College ...

I wish I could tell you exactly what I’ll be doing on the first day of my new course. But I can’t. What I can say is that the syllabus is mostly finished, and I’ve scheduled meetings with the herpetologist, my Writing Across the Curriculum consultant, and ...

During a recent webinar on the topic of leadership I offered a list of important skills related to the topic at hand. The list included something along the lines of the need for a leader to be "politically astute." That item, only one among several, got the most questions and ...

I was horrified to discover that Dylann Roof regarded Asians as inherently racist and thus possible allies to white supremacist causes.  That opinion received little media attention, except for spotty clusters throughout social networking sites.  And while Roof’s assessment of Asians is nothing short of galling, I also found ...

Wabash Center