Archives for 2013

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It was the second week of January, and I was alone with the three kids as my husband was off to sunny California on business. The first night he was away, my youngest son had a little fight with his older sister. He was so upset that he came to ...

Recent literature on the educational profile of the iGeneration emphasizes their love for collaboration.[1] One could further argue that group projects make great assignments beyond the well-documented learning proclivities of current students. There are many benefits a student can gain from participating in a group project. A student gets to ...

“Using Time.” What a curious phrase. At best, it is aspirational. At worst, it is a wee bit oxymoric. Through ticking clocks and rotating calendars we all bear witness to time’s constant motion.[1] Whether we use time well or not it keeps on moving. So that means the moment ...

It's that time of the year when I cull my bookshelf. Nine bookcases of books at the office and four at home is more than I need. I'll put some volumes out on a small table in the hallway for students to take. I'll fondly wish for them a good ...

Who has the power in this faculty meeting, and what does that mean for me? As a new hire in our graduate school of theology, I didn’t formulate these questions explicitly as I went to my first faculty meeting, but I certainly carried these questions within me.           As a ...

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