Project five on dialogue with Muslims

Hinduism | Buddhism | Judaism | Christianity | Islam

  1. Read the materials on dialogue available on the course site, and distill your own list of principles for dialogue; write down your list as the first part (page one) of your paper.
  2. Interact with a Muslim, whom you may meet by attending a Friday service of prayer and worship or speaking with someone from the Muslim Student Association (MSA) at their table in the Kent Student Center on Tuesdays or in some other way.  If you are Muslim, engage in dialogue with a non-Muslim.  Write a one-page experience of your discoveries in dialogue.
  3. Study the assigned readings of Islam, supplemented by internet adventures, and write a two page essay on the potentials you see in the Qur'an and in other Muslim writings that support hope for good future relations between Muslims and their neighbors around the world.

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