SEXIST LANGUAGE. Your instructor tries diligently to avoid words such as "man," "mankind," and "he" if there are obviously women included in the reference. Psychological studies have proved conclusively that these terms are exclusionary in their use. Your instructor will use "he/she," "him/her," even though this may sound awkward. In your own writing, you can avoid these infelicities by feminizing your examples with she/her or by pluralizing them with they/their.
HindJainTalk. Students will not use offensive language for either newsgroup or in-class group discussion. Students will treat fellow students and all individuals and groups concerned with respect. Failure to follow these rules could result in forfeiture of university internet privileges.
ACADEMIC HONESTY. All incidents of cheating (including plagiarizing papers) will be dealt with appropriately. In addition to the work being given zero credit, the case will be referred to the Student Judicial Council. This is the policy of the philosophy department.
HANDICAPPED ACCESS. All necessary steps will be taken to ensure that handicapped students are afforded equal opportunity. The philosophy department is located on the top floor of a building with elevator access, but the instructor is still prepared to meet disabled students in more accessible locations. Please notify the instructor of any other special needs students may have.
B.C.E. vs. C.E. The dates in this class will follow a traditional Jewish convention of "Before the Common Era" and "In the Common Era." This is done to avoid the religious confession contained in anno domini, viz., "in the year of our Lord." University regulations requires us to be nonsectarian in religion and nonpartisan in politics.