Your papers should go to a third page with only one line on the first full page devoted to title and name. A style sheet must be signed and attached to each paper. Papers with them will not be accepted. The papers are worth 20 pts. each.
Sept. 18: Paper on the Vedas. Choose your favorite hymn from the Rig-veda, consult at least three translations, and write an interpretation of its philosophical and/or religious themes. Click here for paper ideas.
Sept. 27: Paper on the Upanishads. Choose a Upanishad that you like, consult at least three translations, and write an analysis according to one or two of the Upanishadic themes discussed in class.
Nov. 1: Paper on the Bhagavadgita. Consult at least three translations and choose particular passages or themes that have particular philosophical and/or religious significance. Herman's and Zaehner's commentaries will be very helpful here.