Please choose the most appropriate answer for the following questions:
Classroom Participation
- I make constructive comments in class
- every single class
- almost every single class
- frequently
- sometimes
- rarely
- never
- I ask questions in class
- every single class
- almost every single class
- frequently
- sometimes
- rarely
- never
- I volunteer to answer questions
- every single class
- almost every single class
- frequently
- sometimes
- rarely
- never
Outside Participation
- I contribute new internet sites to the workspace
- every day
- almost every day
- frequently
- sometimes
- rarely
- never
- I correct or update course material for the benefit of the class and professor and suggest better ways to conduct class
- every day
- almost every day
- frequently
- sometimes
- rarely
- never
- I make use of office hours to ask for research related help
- every day available
- almost every day available
- frequently
- sometimes
- rarely
- never
- I contribute to discussions on the class mailing list
- every day
- almost every day
- frequently
- sometimes
- rarely
- never
- I initiate discussions on the class mailing list
- every day
- almost every day
- frequently
- sometimes
- rarely
- never
- I help other students in the class
- every day I am in school
- a few times a week
- at least once a week
- at least once every other week
- occasionally
- rarely
- never
- I use e-mail to communicate with the instructor and others in the class for class related material
- every day I am in school
- a few times a week
- at least once a week
- at least once every other week
- occasionally
- rarely
- never
- I use the workspace above and beyond what is required for the class
- every day I am in school
- at least once a week
- at least once every other week
- whenever there is an assignment
- what's a computer?
- not applicable to my class
Other contributions I have made to the class:
Estimated Grade
Using the following criteria, estimate the grade you feel you should have for participation in this class:
- A Voluntarily contributes orally in class every session, frequently utilizes resources of the professor, volunteers to answer questions in every class, extensively utilizes the electronic resources for discussions and other communal enhancement of the class process, frequently helps colleagues in need.
- B+ Voluntarily contributes orally in almost every class, volunteers to answer questions in almost every class, makes a substantial contribution with regard to the electronic resources for discussions and other communal enhancement of the class process, utilizes resources of the professor, often helps colleagues in need.
- B Voluntarily contributes orally in class often, volunteers to answer questions in most classes, uses the electronic resources above and beyond class assignments, sees the professor occasionally for advice, sometimes helps colleagues in need.
- C+ Voluntarily contributes orally sometimes, volunteers to answer questions occasionally, uses the electronic resources to complete direct assignments, knows the professor's name, occasionally helps colleagues in need.
- C Rarely speaks in class, answers questions only if asked, uses workspace but puts in a minimum of effort for each assignment, rarely communicates with the professor, rarely helps colleages in need.
- D Attends class, misses some assignments in the electronic discussion area, rarely makes any contributions, hardly ever helps colleagues in need.
- F Doesn't attend class sufficiently and never makes any contributions with regard to electronic resources. Never helps other students in need.
Based on the above criteria, I propose that my letter paraticipation grade is:
- A
- B+
- B
- C+
- C
- D
- F
Based on the above criteria, I propose that my numerical paraticipation grade is:
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form.
This form will be submitted by E-mail to the instructor. When we receive the form we will print out a copy and send back a copy of the form to you via e-mail. If you do not receive your copy within 24 hours it probably was not submitted correctly. Check with the professor if this happens. Thank you!
This page is managed by
Rev. Raymond A. Bucko, S.J.
of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology
at Creighton University.E-Mail:
Page Last Updated: January 5, 2002