Praxis: The Responsive & Expanding Classroom

Welcome to the Wabash Center's blog series:

Praxis: The Responsive & Expanding Classroom

Blog/vlog writers will address such questions as:

  • How does one pivot from teaching in a face-to-face classroom to teaching in a fully online classroom environment?
  • What issues arise in online classrooms during periods of national and global crisis and how might teachers handle them?
  • What has been learned about my students through teaching during crisis and how has this helped me to better meet their learning needs?
  • What are important considerations when designing courses and teaching in relation to questions of teaching during periods of crisis?

Instructions for blog writers and vlog makers: 

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So many of us are struggling to connect meaningfully with our students during this period of unexpected distance. When we don’t get in-person connection time, it’s critical for us to build social and spiritual connection with our students within the online learning space. Giving our students numerical feedback ...

Being a professor during this pandemic has led me to several Wile E. Coyote moments. Looney Tunes character, Wile E. Coyote makes elaborate plans and employs complicated methods to achieve a singular goal—catching the Road Runner. One running gag involves the coyote falling from a high cliff; the coyote ...

In the history of Christian thought, suffering has frequently been conceptualized as a process of “refinement.” Suffering “refined” believers and religious communities by (painfully) stripping away the unnecessary, as well as by revealing and perfecting the core dimensions of religious practice. I am writing this on the first day of ...

The most important pedagogical practice I have engaged in during this time of pandemic stress and isolation is making sure to check in with my students. At the beginning of every class, after we pray, I poll the students to find out how they are doing. Responses are anonymous (though ...

Covid-19 is not the first crisis through which I’ve taught. The past year has been one of intense personal crisis for me, and I’ve had to keep teaching right through it. Now we’re all in personal crisis. Everyone is doing a new thing in higher education. No ...

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