Prophets of the Bible

According to the understanding implicit in the Hebrew Bible, what do prophets do?

Hannah, according to 1 Samuel 1-2, taught God as the creator of heaven and earth:

Samuel, Hannah's son, was a vigorous prophet.

Amos (fl. 760) taught that Judah and Israel will not escape punishment.  List of outrages: profit-making traffic in human beings, oppression of the poor and afflicted; sexual misconduct; abuse of prophets.

Hosea (fl. 750-722) proclaims the tender parental—indeed maternal—affection of God for Israel expressed in chapter 11.  God's readiness to forgive and bless in response to a repentant request is portrayed in chapter 14.

The first Isaiah (fl. 738-701) taught that rituals and animal sacrifices do not win the favor of God.  "Cease to evil, learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow" (1.16-17).  The message of forgiveness and rehabilitation is renewed.  Offenses catalogued: murder, stealing, dishonest and excess wealth, neglect of those in need.  Promise for future: faithful judges and counselors; destruction for rebels and sinners.  Isaiah's call to prophetic work is recounted in chapter 6.  Chapter 9 gives a messianic promise and tells of persisting punishment for iniquiry.

Isaiah the ?  (chapters 56-66)

Micah (fl. 725-700) tells of a future role for Israel as the source of teaching to the nations and as the center of a future reign of peace: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not life up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more" (chapter 4).  Sacrifices do not win the favor of God. 

Jeremiah (fl. 627-587)

The second Isaiah (fl. 587-538) encouraged the Israelites in captivity in Babylon with the promise that they would return to their home in Jerusalem, and he gave a poetic and truly monotheistic vision of a universal Creator God.

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