Religious Responses to the Problem of Evil

If God is so good and powerful, why is there so much suffering in the world?  This question, the so-called "problem of evil," is debated, partly because some philosophers believe that the available answers are inadequate and their inadequacy gives reason to deny the alleged existence of an eternally perfect, all-powerful, loving Creator.  The following ideas, while they by no means end the discussion, do show a range of possible lines of response.  Usually the discussion occurs as a debate, rather than as an inquiry toward greater understanding of the possibilities and limitations of religious thought.

  1. Think of all the different reasons why things happen. Natural processes follow their course, and accidents happen in our world. A flood or a fire should not be thought of as an act of God.
  2. Some suffering occurs as a normal consequence of our misuse of human freedom, violating--consciously or unconsciously--principles of health, sanity, morality, or happiness.
  3. We must never imagine that this world is the best that God could do.  There is a Paradise of eternal perfection wherein the will of God is done, as well as this evolving world in which human beings are invited on the adventure of becoming perfect.  This world was not created to be a pillow.  Suffering, actual and potential, is necessary for the development of a sublime faith and a noble character.
  4. The work of creation has been shared with subordinate beings who are not infinite and eternally perfect.
  5. There is an evolving phase of Deity whose incompleteness partly explains the degree of disorder on our planet.
  6. A superhuman rebellion against God is responsible for some of the confusion, evil, sin, and suffering on our planet.
  7. It is misleading to think that God gives permission to wrongdoers.  A human lifetime is over surprisingly quickly and judgment must be faced.
  8. Some suffering occurs because God chastises those he loves in order to help them turn from evil into the way of life.
  9. "God's ways are higher than your ways as the stars are higher than the earth."  Not everything is good, but God works so that everything does eventually work together for good--and we have a responsible part to play in the process.
  10. We cannot fathom why God permits such suffering, but he does not leave us alone.  "In all our afflictions he is afflicted with us."
  11. A Son of God has come forth to reveal the divine way to live the human life, even a life that culminates in being tortured to death, and he is there to comfort those who must suffer.
  12. Once an episode of suffering is really over, it is seen not to have been truly substantial.  On the path from chaos to glory the sufferings of time are eclipsed by everlasting joy.

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