Two types of scripture
- "to hear"
- "to remember"
(near) - ni (down) - shad (to sit); so lit. "to sit down near (a
Over 200 of them written between
800 B.C.E. to 200 B.C.E. 13 principal ones.
Upanishadic themes
Inward turning and introspective
vs. more external perspective of Vedas.
Internal spiritual liberation vs.
gaining favor and power of the gods in Vedic religion.
Spiritualization of the Varnas
(Lit. color, castes).
Tension between impersonal monism
and personal theism.
Law of Karma, Samsara, and
(lit. "measure" or "magic")
Brahman: a new God or Godhead.
Tat tvam asi
Lit. That Thou Art
That must mean?
sa + guna
= vs. nir + guna
Thou could mean either Atman the
spiritual self or jiva, the empirical self.
Most likely meaning:
The is of predication
Example: The house is red.
What if the art is the is of
The is of identity
Example: The morning star is the evening
The subject and the predicate share
exactly the same attributes.
For the Upanishads this would mean that
Atman is identical to nirguna Brahman.
Shankara and Advaita Vedanta.
Shankara is not a pantheist because?
Comparative points
Not I (jiva) but Atman [in me];
Not I, but the Buddha nature [in me]; Not I, but Christ [in me].
Jesus is God by the is of predication
Jesus is God by the is of identity
Which is for Jesus?
If Jesus and God are identical, they
share the same predicates.
If Jesus is a Jew, then God is a?
Therefore, the is of predication is the
only intelligible way?
Which is for Brahman?
Atman is
(=identical to) Brahman is not absurd, but
As an exercise
see if any of the combinations of saguna or nirguna Brahman or Atman lead to
Ways of liberation
Jnana Yoga
Karma Yoga
Bhakti Yoga
Dhyana Yoga
The Yoga of Renunciation
Tantric Yoga