Jim Dalton: Academic and Human Being

Again, you have choices:  

General Interests        TV Freak        Film Buff        Music Listener

                                        Reader of Books

Some of the Things that I like to do  

A Card Carrying Member of the TV Generation


Movies! Movies! Movies!

They're Playing Our Song

    Tastes in music vary and mine vary all over the sonic spectrum. When people ask me my favorite type of music I can't answer. I just do something like the following:

Reader of Books

    As a scholar I am a professional reader. But the young man (about ten years old) who got embarrassed when caught reading Emily Post and Amy Vanderbilt to improve his table manners could read anything! A book is a world to grow up in and a place to find new worlds to travel to. Some books that I'm reading lately.

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                                                                                          Last updated on February 2, 2000.