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We will be using a variety of electronic media to enhance this course. It is essential that you are up and running as early as possible. This quiz will ensure that you know how to everything that will be necessary for successful electronic participation in this class. If you are new to academic computing do not panic. The professor will do everything necessary to be sure you climb the learning curve in good time and fashion. Please work carefully through these exercises. You can receive a maximum of 10 points for completing these tasks.If you are in a panic already your professor will be in his office ( ADMIN 433 phone: 3587) on Thursday, August 23rd from 7:30 AM until noon. He will also gladly arrange other times to meet during that day. He can also be contacted by e-mail ( ). He will help you through whatever difficulty you are having with the computer! Learning the technology can be daunting for some but I promise that the benefits will outweigh the costs. You can also engage in "active class participation" by helping out your classmates if you are adept at computing.
Task 1: Fill out the biography form: Please carefully fill out this biography form.
Task 2: Be sure you have a working Creighton computing account: All students in this course are required to have and use a Bluejay e-mail account. If you do not have a Bluejay account you should do the following:
1. Go to the Account Management Interface (AMI) located at and set up your AMI log on. Follow the prompts. The system will ask for your last name and social security number (have both handy!). Your password is CASE sensitve (R is not the same as r). The password must be at least 5 characters long. It can be longer than 5 characters if you so choose. Be sure to write down your password and store it in a secure and memorable place. Do the same with your net id number (which will look something like rab41531 -- 3 letters and 5 numbers).
2. Once you have registered with AMI you can then proceed to use the interface. Follow the screen prompt to access AMI.
3. If you need to create a Bluejay E-Mail account:
A. At the Main Menu, click on the Create A Bluejay Account option
B. You will see a screen advising you of the Bluejay account password restrictions. Be sure to read these.
C. Scroll down to the "Account Password section and input a password that is at least six characters long and uses both letters and numbers (although you can use punctuation and spaces, we strongly urge against it).
D. When you have typed your password into both boxes (you will see only **** characters) click the Create Account button.
E. Click the continue button.
4. If you need to create an e-mail address (such as "bucko" -- but don't use that one!). AMI won't let take an alias that is in use.
A. At the Main Menu, click on Manage E-Mail Aliases
B. In the left column put in your address name (usually your last name or last name and combination of initial letters)
C. In the right column put in your Net ID Alias
D. Click the Save button below
E. Note that it takes about an hour to propagate your new e-mail address.
5. If your account is disabled (you have an account but you haven't used it in over 120 days or changed the password in 120 days) you need to reactivate your account, resetting your password will reactivate your account.
A. At the Menu, click on Reset Bluejay Account Password For [your NetID]
B. At the Reset Password screen, type in your new password at the new Bluejay password entry. : Passwords must be at least six characters long and include at least one number. Be aware that the password is case-sensitive so be cautious of the caps-lock. You should NOT use words found in the dictionary nor punctuation metacharacters (*?/!# etc.) Note that you are limited to eight characters. For security purposes Bluejay requires users to log-in AND change their password every 120 days.
C. Once you have typed in your new password, type in it again in the Confirm Bluejay password entry to confirm the new password.
D. Click on Reset Password.
6. If you forgot your password over the summer and need to set a new password.
A. At the Menu, click on Reset Bluejay Account Password For [your NetID]
B. At the Reset Password screen, type in your new password at the new Bluejay password entry. : Passwords must be at least six characters long and include at least one number. Be aware that the password is case-sensitive so be cautious of the caps-lock. You should NOT use words found in the dictionary nor punctuation metacharacters (*?/!# etc.) Note that you are limited to eight characters. For security purposes Bluejay requires users to log-in AND change their password every 120 days.
C. Once you have typed in your new password, type in it again in the Confirm Bluejay password entry to confirm the new password.
D. Click on Reset Password.
Need help with any part of task 2? Call 280-1111 (the help desk phone) or send e-mail to, or check out the online documentation at:
If you already have a Creighton e-mail account and actively use it you are home free on this task. Simply send off the e-mail with the requisite information as required for Task 2.
Task 3: Contacting your professor via your Creighton account: Once you have secured a Creighton account please send Fr. Bucko an e-mail to In the e-mail state which course you are currently enrolled in (ANT 352 or HRS 331), your e-mail address, and state that you now have a Creighton e-mail account (I know this is obvious but this way I know why you are contacting me). Fr. Bucko will preregister you for the Majordomo list if you already have an active Creighton Bluejay account. You will know you are registered when you receive a confirmation message from Majordomo. Once you have secured your account and written Fr. Bucko, it will take at most 12 hours to sign you up for the Majordomo course list.
Task 4: Write an introductory message to our majordomo list: Once Fr. Bucko has received your e-mail with your Creighton account he will enroll you in the course discussion list. The majordomo software will send you an automatic message confirming that you are enrolled on the list. You will also receive instructions for how to use the list. If you are unfamiliar with lists it's a good idea to print out these instructions. When you receive this confirmation please write a message to introducing yourself to the class. Please tell us your name, what year of school you are in and what your interests are in the class.
You cannot do this task until you have completed task 2 and Fr. Bucko has enrolled you on the majordomo list. If your message bounces back to you it means you have not yet been enrolled on the majordomo list.
Task 5: Check that you can gain access to the BSCW: We will be using a collaborative workspace for this course. Many of your assignments will be linked from the course schedule to this resource so it is essential that you are able to access the BSCW. You will need a user name and password which will be issued by your professor. You cannot be enrolled on the workspace until you have an active Creighton e-mail account. You can go to the BSCW through this portal: Just click on the Egyptian door!
This page is managed by
Rev. Raymond A. Bucko, S.J.
of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology
at Creighton University.E-Mail:
Page Last Updated: January 16, 2002